Steering Committee

Heidi Clark

Credentials: Comparative Ocular Pathology Laboratory

Position title: Lab Manager


I am the lab manager for the Comparative Ocular Pathology Laboratory of Wisconsin (COPLOW), located within the School of Veterinary Medicine. The COPLOW is a mail-in diagnostic pathology service devoted to evaluation of ocular and…

Jackie Cooper

Credentials: Environmental Engineering - CoE

Position title: Lab Manager


I am the Lab Manager of the Environmental Engineering Laboratory (aka Environmental Engineering Core Facility – EECF) in the department of Civil & Environmental Engineering. I have bachelors degrees in Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Molecular Biology…

Martel DenHartog

Credentials: Tiny Earth Chemistry Hub, Wisconsin Institute for Discovery

Position title: Lab Manager


I am the lab manager for Jo Handelsman’s lab and Tiny Earth Chemistry Hub (TECH) in the Wisconsin Institute for Discovery. Tiny Earth is a global network of students discovering antibiotics from soil, and my…

Heike Hofstetter

Credentials: Chemistry Department

Position title: Director Magnetic Resonance


I am in charge of the Magnetic Resonance labs at the Chemistry Department at UW-Madison. Our facility supports research and research education within Chemistry and numerous other departments around campus.

Julie Kiland

Credentials: Dept of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences

Position title: Lab Manager


I am the Lab Manager for Dr. Gillian McLellan’s lab in the Dept of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences in the School of Medicine and Public Health. Our lab primarily investigates the pathophysiology of the neurodegenerative…