Generative Artificial Intelligence @ UW–Madison
find more useful links here: 2024_1120_AI tools for recorded meetings
UW–Madison outlines their Generative AI services, policies, and where to get help at In this session, we’ll dive into these with a focus on online meeting assistants and institutional data within research labs. Join us as we welcome Em Craft, Research IT Manager, UW Madison’s Wisconsin Institute for Discovery (WID) to learn more about AI tools for recorded meetings, use and policy.
Hosted by Heidi Clark
Generative Artificial Intelligence @ UW–Madison
find more useful links here: 2024_1120_AI tools for recorded meetings
Research generates data of all sizes, from a few megabytes to hundreds of terabytes. And let’s
face it, storing all that data can be costly. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! In this
session, we’ll dive into campus-supported storage options available to UW-Madison researchers.
You’ll learn:
How much storage can you get for free?
What are the costs for additional storage?
Who can access these storage solutions?
Where can you store restricted data?
and more!
Casey Schacher, Research CI Storage Lead (, September 28,2024
File: 2024_0918_Data-Storage-Options.pdfDr. Robin Kurtz, Distinguished Teaching Faculty Emeritus, Department of Bacteriology will speak about the Ombuds office and what it can do for you.
“The Ombuds Office is a safe place where UW-Madison employees can seek guidance regarding workplace concerns at any time, without fear of reprisal, and at no cost to them. Ombuds provide faculty and staff with a confidential place to collaboratively explore complaints, clarify issues, and consider options and resources to address their concerns. Ombuds are impartial and non-aligned, working to promote fairness in the workplace.”
Hosted by Julie A. Kiland
File: 2024_1016_Ombuds.pdfChemManager+ is the new system-wide chemical tracking and chemical purchasing tool to aid in safety and risk mitigation. This tool for managing chemicals – used by research, instructional, safety and risk staff – integrates with ShopUW+. Aaron McCoy provided an overview of the system with tips & tricks for Lab Managers using the punch out application.
File: 2024_0117_ChemManager-Overview.pdfPresenters: Ann Kowaliczko and Kasey Hoffman (SMPH Disability Services Advisers)
Meeting Recording:
Meeting Notes: 2023_0920_Disability in STEM
Video Transcript: 2023_0920_Disability in STEM_Transcript
Courtesy of Jackie Cooper
By Janet Bresnahan and Sarah Martin
Lakeside Glove Pricing Effective August 1, 2022 (1)
The contract publication and pricing for the Lakeside Curative contract for gloves can be found at Towards the end of the page there is a link to the pricing. I am also attaching here.
Courtesy of Jackie Cooper
2022_1214_Purchasing for your Lab over 5K
Thanks to all who came to tour the Meat Science and Animal Biologics Discovery Building and the USDA certified meat processing facility. Thanks to our host, Dan Mechenich and undergraduate Fox, who gave us a great tour! If you didn’t get a chance to stop by after the tour or if you’re looking for meat products produced here on campus, please visit Varsity Meats.
Here is the presentation from October 19, 2022 Teams meeting: Freezer Inventory Panel_Slide Deck_10192022
Transcript: Freezer Inventory Panel_Transcript_10192022
Here is the presentation from May 25, 2022 Teams meeting: How to Purchase Lab Stuff_05252022
(1) Non-Catalog Items: Tip sheet –
(2) How to find your ROLE in the ShopUW+ system:
(3) How to get rid of a Draft Cart: On the left side of the ShopUW+ window, click on the Shop icon -> My Carts and Orders -> View Carts (image a). Click on the Draft Carts tab (image b). Click the drop down arrow on the right hand side associated with your Draft Cart, and select Delete (image c).
(a) (b)
(4) Non-Catalog items from Vendors in ShopUW+: (response from Janet Bresnahan, UW-Madison Procurement Manager)
“Not all items for a vendor are on every contract and generally only the contracted items would be on ShopUW+. This is the case with the MRO contracts, which Grainger is on. The awards were made to multiple vendors and not for everything in their catalog, e.g., one vendor may have been awarded electrical products and another plumbing products. If lab managers are not finding what they are looking for on the Grainger punch-out, they may want to look at the other MRO vendors and see if what they are looking for is available from them through ShopUW+. Starting the search in “Shop” search at the top of the “Legacy View” or “Facilities View” may be a better place to shop rather than in a specific vendor’s punch-out. If you are experiencing issues with the same products over and over again not showing up as a catalog item it would be a good idea to contact the agent responsible for the contract. Sarah Martin manages both Staples and Grainger, so she would be a good one to address this issue with. For other contracts, please check the contract publications and contact the UW agent responsible for it. Please do contact DOA directly on their contacts. You could also check the Agent Commodity Assignments to see who handles a particular commodity.”
(5) Questions regarding Quartzy: (response from Janet Bresnahan, UW-Madison Procurement Manager)
“We do not support buying form Quartzy due to some issues we have had with products purchased from them, which is why they are not active in ShopUW+. We are hopeful that with ChemManager+ we will be able to move away from Quartzy for chemical inventory.”
(6) Is UW-Madison and/or UW-System saving money since the implementation of ShopUW+? (response from Janet Bresnahan, UW-Madison Procurement Manager)
“I have not seen any reports on this. If lab managers have issues with the system they should bring them up with their dean’s offices.”
(7) Capital Fabrications: (response from Janet Bresnahan, UW-Madison Procurement Manager)
“My recommendation is to put as much as possible on purchase orders, so they are easier to track. Purchasing does not have access to credit card spend and I am unsure if property control. To get the best answer please work with property control at 608-262-578 or”