Heidi Clark
Credentials: Comparative Ocular Pathology Laboratory
Position title: Lab Manager
Email: heidi.clark@wisc.edu
I am the lab manager for the Comparative Ocular Pathology Laboratory of Wisconsin (COPLOW), located within the School of Veterinary Medicine. The COPLOW is a mail-in diagnostic pathology service devoted to evaluation of ocular and periocular tissues from any living creature (besides human)! (FYI: The eye I’m holding in the photo is most likely from a blue whale.) My academic background includes a bachelor’s degree in biology from UW-Parkside and a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine from the UW SVM, where I taught veterinary anatomy for a decade before becoming COPLOW’s lab manager in 2021. Outside of the lab I can be found engaged in some form of physical activity (downhill skiing if it’s winter!) or curled up with a good book.