ChemManager+ Overview

ChemManager+ is the new system-wide chemical tracking and chemical purchasing tool to aid in safety and risk mitigation. This tool for managing chemicals – used by research, instructional, safety and risk staff – integrates with ShopUW+. Aaron McCoy provided an overview of the system with tips & tricks for Lab Managers using the punch out application.

File: 2024_0117_ChemManager-Overview.pdf

Lab Manager Community of Practice – Meeting Minutes

Lab Manager Community of Practice
FIRST MEETING on Tuesday, April 17, 2017 11:00 am – 12:00 pm, Microbial Science Building 3rd floor atrium
Hosted by Kevin Galles, Nicci Schmidt, Heather Daniels, Isabelle Girard, & Carey Hannan.

1. Attendance
About 45 members of the campus research community joined the kick-off meeting of the Lab Manager / Core Manager
Community of Practice. Attendees represented a variety of professional roles from diverse areas of campus.

File: Lab-Manager-CoP-notes-170417.pdf