We want to thank Cameron and Trisha for such a wonderful event with our community of practice and helping shift the mood about data sharing. Data sharing has so much important potential. Your activities were incredibly fun and also inspired a deep understanding of the importance of best practices. One of our best events yet.
The PDF of the handout can be downloaded from this link Data Sharing for Lab Managers. Plus additional information can be found at Cornell – https://data.research.cornell.edu/content/readme. They provide best practices, minimum recommended content, and provide an editable template. And just our names and our website is great!
Cameron Cook is the Digital Curation Coordinator and Chair of Research Data Services at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where she also received her MLIS in 2016. Her role focuses on providing support and strategy around research data management, data sharing and preservation, digital scholarship, and open research. She also manages the university’s institutional repository, MINDS@UW.
Trisha Adamus is the Research Data Librarian at Ebling Library, the Health Sciences Library at the University of Wisconsin – Madison. During Trisha’s six years at UW-Madison, she has provided services and education to health science professionals on research metrics and research data management, served as the campus ambassador for the researcher identifier ORCID and instructed numerous Data and Software Carpentry workshops. Trisha obtained a Masters in Information and Library Science from Syracuse University as an eScience fellow.