Social networking and CoP debriefing

Meeting Date: December 14, 2017
Topic: Social networking and CoP debriefing
The Lab Manager Community of Practice (CoP) is a community is for anyone who is in
a lab management role including research labs, core labs and instructional labs.

Download: Meeting Summary 121417

Meeting Highlights:

Nicole L. Schmidt reviewed the demographics of the Lab Manager CoP including
departments and titles. These demographics are available on the Lab Manager

The origins and the purposes of the group is to provide networking for lab professionals
including sharing of equipment, ideas and resources. The group provides discussions
and training on lab management, employee and student supervision, and many other
topics. We provide a directory of shared resources, a “Craig’s List” for campus lab

A summary of our previous topics includes personnel management, purchasing tips and
resources, “Bucky Submit” and networking opportunities. All these topics are
summarized and posted on our website.
The participants discussed the aspects of the meetings

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